
Application of gas nitrogen in chemical factory

In the chemical plant, nitrogen is mainly for the protection of gas, ventilation and washing gas, to ensure safe production. Such as polypropylene production, it need to use pure nitrogen (99.99%) functioning as the protection of gas, replacement gas. High purity nitrogen is a vital source of chemical fiber production. Such as Liaoyang Petrochemical Plant has three sets of 3000 m 3 / hour high purity nitrogen device;Synthetic leather factory also use high purity nitrogen to do protection, such as Yantai synthetic leather factory has a 1000m3/hour high purity nitrogen device.
Forest chemical plants also use nitrogen, as a sensitive adhesive coating, rosin, resin and other production process of protective gas. It can be said that the chemical plant has a big demand for nitrogen, nitrogen is a chemical plant “security gas”. opening up chemical nitrogen is promising. Nitrogen is also an important raw material for synthetic fiber (acrylic, nylon) and synthetic rubber .

