
Amazing usages of Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is used widely, it is only inferior to Oxygen.
1.It used to make carbonated drinks.
2.Fire extinguishing agent: the extinction of electrical equipment, precision instruments, valuable production equipment and book documents in initial period
3.Argon protect welding: it used in variety materials’ welding.
4.Synthetic organic chemistry: can make many kinds of commonly used chemical products (such as urea, salicylic acid, etc.)
5.Refrigerant: frozen foods
6.Generate electricity: carbon dioxide as the medium which proceed to generate electricity through low temperature heat source.
7.As a solvent, proceed to super-critical fluid extraction, as an advanced technology,used for the separate  a variety products and to replace the traditional process operation.
8.Other: solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) on health care for frozen skin disease, and can be used for artificial rainfall.Using liquid carbon dioxide dry cleaning, can replace toxic dry cleaner.High purity carbon dioxide used in the electronics industry, medical research and clinical diagnosis, detection instrument calibration gas and other special gas mixture preparation, etc.

(source:http://www.airseparation-plant.cn/amazing-usages-of-carbon-dioxide/ )

