
Application of gas oxygen in coal gasification and liquefaction industry

Coal gasification industry is a large user of oxygen. Oxygen is used as gasification agent of pulverized coal in the process of coal gasification, such as the powder gasification, per ton of synthesis ammonia consumes 500~900m3 of oxygen; Oxygen is used as an oxidant to convert solid coal into a combustible gas mixture. In the process of coal liquefaction, oxygen is used as a vehicle for the conversion of coal from hydrogen-depleted solid hydrocarbons to hydrogen-rich liquid hydrocarbons. The consumption of oxygen required to produce 1 ton of coal is at least 0.3 tons of oxygen per ton of coal, and may also reach 1 ton per ton of coal. So the production of 10 million barrels per day of synthetic fuel device needs 10 to 20 sets of parallel installed oxygen plant with the capacity of 58400`73000m3/h.


