
Argon recovery equipment in photovoltaic industry


In the solar photovoltaic industry, argon has always accounted for a large proportion during its production costs. How to downgrade the cost of argon has become the key to the photovoltaic industry to improve its competitiveness.
The source of liquid argon, as we all know, argon come from air separation equipment is a highly valuable gas with low output and high price. At present, the only equipment that can produce argon are air separation plant and argon recovery equipment.
Suzhou Xinglu Air Separation is the only manufacturer of argon recovery equipment integrating R&D, design, manufacturing, inspection, installation, commissioning and after-sales service.
●Since 2005, a lot of funds have been invested in in-depth research on the use of argon in the solar photovoltaic industry
●In 2007, developed the first generation of crude argon recovery, purification and purification equipment
●After years of research and development and innovation, the second and third generation crude argon recovery and purification devices applied in Yunnan from 2017~2018 have been put into operation successively
●In response to the requirements of national security policy and industry demand, after several generations of product experience summary, in 2019 through the test development of hydrogen production without crude argon gas recovery device, as the fourth generation of product, has applied for invention patent.
(Features: No hydrogen production equipment, improved safety, simple approval procedures, and reduced production costs)
●In 2019, it was built in the fourth generation of argon recovery equipment in the photovoltaic industry, without hydrogen purification technology.
●Signed the 5GW project argon recovery device in 2020 and is under construction

Argon recovery equipment in photovoltaic industry
This project adopts XLA’s fourth-generation hydrogen-free purification technology, safety has been improved. Compared with the second and third-generation argon recovery and purification equipment, the investment and operating costs are greatly reduced. After operation, this equipment will greatly help save the Argon cost for customer.

Air separation

4400Nm³/h Crude argon recovery and purification
Using the 4400Nm³/h crude argon gas recovery and purification device produced by Suzhou Xinglu Air Division Equipment Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., it saves more than 90% liquid argon cost for customers every year.



