
Good news: XLA won the bid for argon recovery project again

Argon is a high-value product of air separation plant. Argon recovery plant is widely used in solar photovoltaic industry, semiconductor and stainless steel industry. Under the guide principle of manufacturing “convenient, reliable, energy-saving and consumption-reducing” equipment for customers, Suzhou Xinglu Air Separation began to study Argon recovery process since early this century: purify argon according to different off gas, and great result has been achieved:
① First generation of 1000Nm3 / h argon gas recovery plant researched and designed by XLA was manufactured successfully in 2007, with extraction rate at 97%.
② The second and third generation of argon gas recovery plant designed in 2017, using the air circulation process to meet the demand of end user, has been in stable operation for more than 2 years. Among them, the third-generation 4400Nm3 / h argon recovery equipment is now the only crude argon purification device in the world that realizes oil-containing recovery, creating a precedent in the field of cryogenic plant. What’s more, Production cost of user has been reduced greatly.
③ On the basis of the above equipment, the fourth generation of argon recovery plant used in this project will use new technology: purification without hydrogen, which is safe and reliable. Till now, XLA argon recovery equipment has fully entered into the market.
air separation plant
If you are interested in our Argon recovery plant, please feel free to sent email to us.
Email: overseas@xlasp.com

(source: https://www.airseparation-plant.cn/argon-recovery-project-again/)

