After the equipment is produced by our company, in order to facilitate transportation, our company will deliver the cold box to the user site in two parts. After the customer picks up the goods at the port, most of the equipment has been put in place according to the packing list and installation instructions provided by our company.
As required by the customer, our technical service engineer arrived at the site on August 12, 2019 to guide the placement of the cold box. Our engineers have many years of rich working experience in guiding installation, and have also conducted installation work on several project sites.
The pictures show that after adjusting the verticality of the cold box, the lower section of the cold box should be in place first, and scaffolding should be built on the top of the cold box to prepare for the upper section of the cold box to be in place. In order to reduce aerial work and ensure the safety and stability of equipment, engineers of our company instruct site installers to install most of the ladder platforms before the upper section cold box is installed.

At present, the junction of the two sections of cold box is welding, the cold box is about 49.55 meters high.
Our technical service engineers successfully completed a week of site guidance installation work. The picture below shows the picture of the customer and the engineer at the site. The customer is very satisfied with the work of the technicians appointed to the site by our company. We are waiting for the customer to complete the remaining installation work on site as soon as possible.
Our company will successfully complete the debugging work as soon as possible, and the one-time start-up will be successful.
