For two substances of different boiling point (such as oxygen and
nitrogen) compositing mixed solution, while after absorbing heat and
partial evaporation, volatile composition nitrogen will evaporate
more. Mixed steam releases heat and part of it condensates, while
composition oxygen which is difficult to volatilize will condensate
more. If you make saturated steam with higher temperature and saturated
solution mixed, then steam gives off heat to saturated solution. After
releasing heat, part of steam will condensate. Solution will absorb heat
and part of it will evaporate. When partial steam’s condensation
happens, due to oxygen condensates more, so the concentration of lower
boiling point composition (nitrogen) in steam would be promoted.
During partial evaporation of solution, owing to nitrogen evaporates
more, the concentration of higher boiling point composition (oxygen)
will be promoted. If after partial evaporation and partial condensation
are executed once, steam of higher concentration nitrogen and solution
of higher concentration oxygen mix with solution and steam respectively
with different temperature, then partial condensation and partial
evaporation happen again, then the nitrogen concentration in steam and
the oxygen concentration in solution will be promoted more procedures
like this happen more times, then nitrogen concentration in steam will
become higher and higher, at last we can achieve the purpose of
separating oxygen and nitrogen.The whole press we call it distillation.
Generally speaking, the distillation is making use of different
boiling point of two substances, and let the press of partially
condensation of mixed steam and partially evaporation of mixed solution
repeated, then finally we can achieve the purpose of separation.